Dirthronda is home to the mighty Calkore bird, one of the most feared flying creatures in the land. We follow a Calkore mother as she returns to her nest, high in the treacherous Mountains of Verbrenning, carrying food for her young. Her nest, perched at the highest peaks, offers some protection from ground predators, but the skies hold dangers of their own.
As she nears, a chill runs through her feathers. Something is out there. Her sharp eyes scan the skies, her instincts on high alert. Below, her chicks sense the unease and begin to screech, a blood curdling cry that even their mother flinches at.
Then, it comes. A spear whistles through the air from above, a deadly strike meant for her. She dodges, diving away from her nest in a blur of motion. Wings tucked tight, she plummets to gain speed before snapping them open, swooping up behind her attackers.
Three Eagnelfores—human-like eagles with razor talons and a taste for flesh—circle above her nest. Each wields a spear tethered to a long rope, their preferred weapon for aerial hunts. They stand on the nest’s edge, reeling in their weapons, preparing for another strike.
Gela, the Calkore mother, cries out, a piercing shriek of desperation and fury. It echoes across the mountains, a mother’s lament, a warning to all who can hear. But she knows it will not drive them away. She is outnumbered, helpless against three.
She perches on a nearby branch, forced to watch in horror as the Eagnelfores take aim at her young. Her heart pounds. The moment the spears descend, hope arrives.
From above, an arrow tears through the skull of the largest Eagnelfore, dropping it instantly. The others barely react before a squad of High Elves, mounted on the backs of Calkores, descends upon them. The Elves are guardians of the Calkore, protectors of their nests, and the bond between them runs deep. With a single, fluid strike, an Elf leaps from his Calkore, his holy elven blade slicing the remaining two Eagnelfores in half.
The battle is over in moments. Gela returns to her nest, nuzzling her frightened young. The Elves have once again safeguarded their winged allies. In mere weeks, these chicks will grow strong, destined to become part of the revered Calkore air cavalry—a force feared by all who dare challenge the skies of Dirthronda.
The connection between the Calkore and the elves very much reminds me of some kind of symbiotic relationship. They thrive together, yet struggle to survive on their own. This world you've created is quite imaginative, and I can see this battle play out in my mind. Cool stuff!